Well, I stepped into the retail world of vodka. 750ML bottles of Smirnoff were on sale for $13.95 and going fast. I generally like to ask the people who work at the liquor store for recommendations, especially since I am on a budget. With Smirnoff bottle in hand, I asked for vodka similar to the price range of the Smirnoff. The gentleman smiled and immediately went over to a blue triangular bottle: Platinum 7X Vodka: price $12.95 / 750ML. He took my Smirnoff out of my hand, " I will stock that back for you." I purchased the Platinum 7X without hesitation, really it’s vodka not a phone, I don’t need to research right. . .? I got home and hopped (pun intended) onto the internet and found the website listed below. The website doesn’t have Flash or anything like that, but it is up to date with vodka reviews and unscientific testing: drinking the liquor!
Platinum 7X Vodka had an excellent rating. Instead of stars, ratings are denoted as full shot glasses. Platinum 7X gets its name from its filter process, 7 times versus other named vodkas 2X,3X or 4X. It hails from Kentucky and is made from corn not potato, could be even classified as moonshine as another website mentions.
The website further mentions Sobieski, Svedka, Duke’s, Fris and Tito’s. Leading the way for "Best Buys" and great taste were Sobieski, Svedka and Fris. All of these vodka’s were between $9 and $12.95 for 750ML. Tito’s gets the highest rating and is under $18 for 750ML. Tito's Sugar Vodka sounds tasty. It has added sugar, good if you like to have your vodka with ice only.
Moral Of The Post: don’t fall for advertising and ask at the liquor store employee. Be prepared for informative assistance and a surprise. And of course, it's booze, it will get used. Take this post with a grain of salt or with a twist of lemon.
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