In my grammar school we had dances Friday nights, once a month. Everyone would bring in the records or tapes we had at home and the eighth graders would take turns spinning the records. The pre-funk punch would be Koolaid mixed with Mountain Dew and any other sugary item we could find down in the school's kitchen. Purple Rain was the last song normally played at night. It was the longest song, so one would try to dance with girl you had a crush on: Where art thou Becky C?
I sometimes missed dances, especially if a new Miami Vice was on. Miami Vice, I dressed up like Sunny Crockett in the middle of winter at a heavy jock high school. White blazer, no collar baby blue shirt, white pants, penny loafers with no socks! I mean, it was the middle of winter, with probably 14 feet of snow outside, a balmy 12 degrees and I am walking around in dat! Did I mention the gold chain around my neck? My hair was parted in the middle for crying out loud.
I digress. Try the blog " I LISTEN TO EVERYTHING ". Two of my favorite artists right now are " xx " and " La Roux ". The website posts music of new artists which are fresh on the ears. Try " Muse " also. They were on VMA's playing the song Uprising. That song booms in da jeep! Try not to tap the ground or the steering wheel while you drive with this song in the background. Trust me you will like this Blog. It's made for people who are sick of the music on their portable listening devices: such as an iphone.
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